Ονομάζομαι Αναστάσιος Μπονιάκος και είμαι ιατρός ενδοκρινολόγος. Λόγω των πολλών ωρών καθιστικής εργασίας που απαιτεί η δουλειά μου, είχα έντονους πόνους σε όλο μου το σώμα και είχα αρχίσει να ανησυχώ. Λόγω επίσης του απαιτητικού ωραρίου μου ήταν αδύνατο να πάω σε κάποιο γυμναστήριο. Γνώρισα τον κο Κάνδια μέσω κάποιου πολύ ευχαριστημένου συναδέλφου. Ξεκίνησα το personal training μαζί του και μέσα σε σύντομο χρονικό διάστημα σταμάτησα να πονάω, το σώμα μου άρχισε πάλι να σφίγγει ενώ άρχισα να ανακτώ την ελαστικότητα μου. Πραγματικά σύντομα άρχισα να νιώθω διαφορετικός άνθρωπος. Τον ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ γιατί με τις επιστημονικές του γνώσεις με βοήθησε να γίνει καλύτερη η καθημερινότητα μου.


Anastasios Mponiakos


Alexander helped me a lot to deal with a problem that appeared in my shoulder. Very quickly my body regained its strength. In addition, he helped me to lose weight in a proper and healthy way. Professional, consistent and very focused in every workout. He develops his knowledge constantly in order to offer the best services.


Xenia Lyropoulou


If you are looking for excellent results in your muscular and physical condition and at the same time for a trainer who is first and foremost a nice human being, Alexander is your personal trainer! He helped us and our father make our dream come true!!! Training us with the goal of finishing the classic marathon of Athens. Thank you Alexander! Our dream came true!


Vasilakakis Family


Ο Αλέξανδρος είναι ένας άριστος επαγγελματίας που συνεχώς ψάχνει το καλύτερο για τους ασκούμενους που αναλαμβάνει . Εναλλαγές στο ασκησιολόγιο, ασφαλή κλιμάκωση της δυσκολίας και της έντασης ώστε ο ασκούμενος να ωφελείτε και ταυτόχρονα να μην τραυματίζετε . Η προπόνηση είναι πραγματικά εξατομικευμένη είτε πρόκειται για προετοιμασία για κάποιο άθλημα (εγώ και η σύζυγος μου που κάνουμε μαζί ασχολούμαστε με το ορεινό τρέξιμο και η ενδυνάμωση που μας κάνει μας βοήθα τα μέγιστα σε αυτό, αποφυγή τραυματισμών ,προετοιμασία για δυσκολότερα τερέν κτλ), είτε πρόκειται για αποκατάσταση από κάποιο αθλητικό ή μη τραυματισμό, είτε για κοινή ενδυνάμωση. Μέσα σε αυτό θα πρέπει να προστεθεί ο ήπιος χαρακτήρας του και η ανθρωπιστική άλλα και ταυτόχρονα επαγγελματική προσέγγιση .​


George Choulis


I've been suffering from back pain since I was 22. Year after year it got worse and worse. I had tried everything. Physical therapies and medication, but they only gave me temporary relief. I had to start strength training, but I needed someone to show me in order not to get injured. So after looking for a trainer, they recommended Alexander. It was apparent from the start how knowledgeable he is about the personal training. After 6 months of training with Alexander I feel a huge difference in my back. I feel it stronger and the pain is gone. I recommend him because I recommend him to you because he did a good job on me and above all I was not injured. Unfortunately when you have a problem you have to be careful and find someone who knows. Alexander is a professional and above all a very good person.


Christos Xenikakis

Maritime Sector

In the past I have made many visits to orthopaedic specialists due to unbearable pains from stiffness in my arms, back, back and hips. Unfortunately the results of attempts were not positive and no treatment worked. Soon, I was in the same situation, without relief. Alexander approached my condition with seriousness and respect, following an intensive and specialized recovery program through gentle exercises avoiding any possible injury. He brought the most positive results to my body movements, giving me physical well-being and mental peace of mind. A smile appeared on my lips again forgetting the constant horrible pains. Now I live a normal life!


Efi Christoforidou


Excellent in his work as a personal trainer, experienced and systematic. I saw significant improvement in my chronic back and neck pain which was the result of orthopedic problems and long hours of sedentary work. Finally, personal training with him is always a pleasure as we talk and laugh a lot! I highly recommend Alexander!


Katerina Douzeni

Marketing Director

Τρομερός επαγγελματίας ο Αλέξανδρος! Σε κάνει με έναν ξεχωριστό τρόπο να αγαπήσεις την γυμναστική αλλά και το σώμα σου. Μοναδικός άνθρωπος! Δεν έχω λόγια. Best of the best!​


Dimitris Seretis

Security Forces

Excellent personal trainer and professional. Uses modern scientific methods for physical exercise, balance and well-being. Serious man with ethics and virtues. His positive attitude and clever sense of humor is a privilege.


Helen Christoforidou

Private Sector Employee

I have known Alexander for 4 years and would like to make some comments. He is a highly qualified and experienced personal trainer. Having a problem with my knee he helped me in my recovery. He is also a man who is distinguished for his ethics and excellent professionalism, and I would highly recommend him!!!


Elena Delvenakioti

Private Sector Employee

Excellent personal trainer with knowledge and excellent technical training but also an excellent person, kind and pleasant. Highly recommended!!!


John Giannopoulos

Maritime Sector

Personal Trainers can be found in many places today, I find Alexander's blend of knowledge and abilities to be difficult to rare to find. He is serious about his work, with specific goals and clear results. His distinctive difference: training body and mind. He has helped me a lot and continues to help me by building with me a new understanding of body workouts and nutrition in general.


Kiriakos Moutsakis

Private Sector Employee